Sunday, January 19, 2020

Talyn McKinley Spotlight

CEF has been working as an organization since 1937. Over these past 83 years God has been at
work saving many children’s lives and discipling youth and adults all over the globe.
Even if these workers don’t continue working at CEF, the skills and lessons they learned while
apart of CEF has had a lasting impact on their life. 

Talyn McKinley has used the lessons she’s learned in CEF to continue reaching Children for Christ through many different avenues. Talyn answered some questions to share how CEF has impacted her life and to describe how God is at work in her life right now.

  1. When did you go to CYIA? I went to CYIA as a student from age 13 (2007) - age 18 (2012). Then came back in 2014 as a cabin counselor and part of the A-team.
  2. How did you hear about CEF? I first heard of CEF when the state director at the time got my name from someone in my town. He called my home number and left a message on the answering machine. He wanted to do a presentation of the ministry. He came over to my house, and gave my parents and I a full scope of CEF and then shared about CYIA. He asked me if I'd pray about going and I told him, "I don't need to pray about it, I need to do this." The rest is history! 
  3. What is the biggest thing you learned from CEF when you went to CYIA? I've learned SO much from being a part of the ministry. The first thing I learned from CEF/CYIA is to have a huge appreciation for sharing the Gospel with people. I knew it was important but I didn't know how and I certainly wasn't confident enough to share what I did know. However, when you really believe in something, you'll do whatever it takes to make it happen. Secondly, CEF gave me something to believe in that was bigger than me and taught me whether I was at HQ working internationally or in the backyard of a trailer park in the middle of nowhere, I was making a difference in the lives of children, teenagers and adults for the Kingdom. And the third but definitely not the only, was that I learned that people aren't perfect. We make mistakes, we don't always get it right but I learned the art of grace, new beginnings, and starting over when you fail and being surrounded by people who believe and love you. 
  4. Do you think what you experienced and the lessons you learned through CEF still affect what you do today? This is a resounding YES! I felt like each year I grew into the next best version of myself every time I went to camp, taught clubs, Good News Across America, Good News Clubs or HQ trips. I have taken that same approach into my life now and my desire to grow and change is hugely because of CEF. I learned confidence, leadership, connection, boldness, courage, and commitment from my time with CEF. I couldn't even begin to explain the ways I have been changed because of this ministry. I have taken every lesson, every challenge, and every hardship that I encountered in my time and have used it to do what I do today. On multiple occasions I had to learn to listen to the voice of God when teaching clubs, at camp and working with the children. CEF taught me how to quiet myself enough to notice what God is saying and I use that skill EVERY SINGLE DAY.
  5. What do you do for a living? Right now, I am the founder and owner of First Position Dance Company. We are a christian dance and discipleship company in Eau Claire Wisconsin. I train, coach and mentor young people ages 2-mid 20s in dance, theology, and leadership. I also own another company called Built to Last, that coaches and mentors business owners and entrepreneurs. I am also a public speaker, and an artistic director for the company in creating shows, and performances that share the Gospel to the community.
  6. Do you have any particular stories that you wouldn’t mind sharing with us about your ministry and how it has affected yourself and others? I started First Position a year after I left CEF, as well as Build to Last. Both companies have grown in different ways but First Position was where most of my time went for the majority of the last 7 years. I wanted to create a christian atmosphere for dancers to grow and be challenged in their faith. We added bible studies to every class in order to spiritually feed our dancers so that they could go out and be a light. This ignited a passion in me to continue my mentorship with young people and adults even more. We have multiple discipleship programs within the company. One being called NTS (Never The Same) which is a close version to CYIA but with dancing. I've combined dance training and worship with teaching them how to share the Gospel, and discipling them in how to build their life around God. We also have had a chance to put on over 12 shows/performances in our time in operation. We've done shows on suicide and depression that Christ has used to help many people accept Christ for the first time, get the help they needed through counseling, and even putting themselves in rehab. We've done outreaches and ministry opportunities that have reached thousands of people with the Gospel and we aren't done. This summer we are putting together a show called "Behind Closed Doors". It will be about pornography, sexual abuse and sex trafficking and redemption and healing that comes through Jesus Christ alone. We are also preparing for a new program called "Launch" which is a leadership development program for students 13-18 that prepares them to launch into their adulthood as the leaders God desires them to be! 

Pictures of First Position Dance Studio

Dancing together in the Christmas show:

Bible Study with the girls:

If you are interested in learning more about First Position Dance Company here is the website:

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