Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Elizabeth's Story

Elizabeth is a Summer Missionary from the Greater Madison Area. This summer Elizabeth experienced God's work in great ways. Here is a part of her story that she shared with me:

One time this summer a father brought his daughter to club and we could tell right away that she didn’t want to be there. She made faces at all of us and sat in the corner and pouted. We would try to talk to her but she refused to say anything back. She was very difficult to handle the first two days. She would talk really loud during the lesson and pick on the other kids. Us teachers were super frustrated and were constantly asking God for grace.

On the third day of club I taught the Bible lesson, and to my surprise, she followed me back to be counseled for salvation. I thought she was just coming back to get out of being in club; but it turns out she was really hurting on the inside and wanted to know more about this Jesus who says that He loves everyone! She asked me questions like “Does God love my mommy even though she’s in prison?” And “Does God love me? Because no one does.” I shared some verses with her and explained the gospel.

After that, she prayed to receive Christ as her Savior. She came to club the last two days with a smile on her face and was hungry to hear more of God’s truth. She came back for counseling for the remaining days of club and asked a lot of deep questions. She was very sad on the last day of club when we said our goodbyes. She said, “I want to hear more Bible stories!” So I gave her a Bible. She got really excited and couldn’t stop thanking me. If anyone ever asks me why I spend my summers teaching clubs, this is the reason! Words cannot describe the joy that comes from watching kids come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ and then seeing how God transforms their lives!

Please continue praying for this little girl and her family! There are many children just like her seeking to find love. As Christians we need to be sharing this love to everyone we come in contact with.

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:34-35

Here are some pictures of Elizabeth teaching:

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