Thursday, February 6, 2014

Winter Retreat 2014

A Winter Retreat (L.E.A.D)

February 14-16 we look forward to our annual winter retreat. This is always a great opportunity for new and past teens to come and fellowship with teens from across the state, to learn about Christian Youth in Action training (June 15-27) and to be challenged in their walk with the Lord. There will be indoor games, outdoor games, worship, a four part sermon series, fellowship and great food.

The retreat is meant for returning teens to meet up with their old friends from previous summers and to invite new teens to learn about the amazing opportunity that they can become apart of during the summer of 2014. Teens will be challenged to serve the Lord in their home communities throughout the summer teaching 5-Day Clubs and bringing the Gospel message to their local County Fairs.

The cost for this retreat is $80 and $100 if you register after February 3. For more info about this event or about the CYIA training, 5-Day Clubs or any other info please call or e-mail our office.